Hair loss treatment

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Hair loss 

Hair loss is one of the most common aesthetic problems, which have a strong psychological impact on the patient. It is important to know that there are different causes of hair loss (alopecia), the most common are:

  • androgenic alopecia under the influence of male hormones, the growth phase of the hair and the hair is lost progressively without being able to recover. Mainly affected men, although it may also be observed in women
  • telogen effluvium. This is a transient condition that can be observed after a transient disease, anemia, birth or condition of a lack of vitamins. As a result, the hair stops growing and enters the phase of telogen (bounce)
  • the presence of various chronic deseases such as hypothyroidism
  • Stress also affects hair growth
  • autoimmune disorders (alopecia areata)
  • inflammatory skin diseases (lupus, lichen) and others.

Even when there is no reason for any pathological changes that occur with hair and scalp everyone should pay attention, because like other tissues and organs hair also grows older and reduces its density. For a successful therapy should be treated the cause of hair loss and by adding products for faster recovery and rebuilding hair. 


In which cases to seek consultation with a doctor:

  • Loss of more than 100 hairs per day
  • Hair loss in the front and parietal areas
  • In the event of one or more bald areas
  • Presence of peeling, seborrhea, itchy lesions
  • When the hair becomes thin, brittle and dry


Types of treatment - Our approach

INNOVA offer different techniques to treat hair loss based on topical example A-PRP (autologous plasma rich in platelets), carboxytherapy, mesotherapy and revitalizing the scalp. To optimise the effect of the various treatments the results may be combined and interlaced. The treatments are performed through a thin needle, which is injected into the skin of the scalp.


A-PRP therapy - advantages:

  • leading to regeneration of the hair bulb
  • increase blood flow
  • increased cell division of the hair follicle

A-PRP can be applied effectively with proven excellent results in most cases, even in androgenic alopecia and alopecia areata. The injection of autologous platelet-enriched plasma (A-PRP) is both easy and safe technique, using regenerating and repairing properties of platelets. This is a natural product and the risk of allergic reaction is minimised.


Mesotherapy - advantages:

Using this technique active substances that inhibit hair loss and stimulate hair growth are directly introduced into the scalp . The products which are used improve the blood supply to the hair, vitamins, trace elements, growth factors, and biomimetic products.


Carboxytherapy - advantages:

through the introduction of CO2 gas by microinjection of the scalp, resulting in:

  • Increased circulation of blood to the scalp and improving the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the scalp.
  • This leads to an improvement of the process of synthesis of proteins and essential amino acids in the hair follicle.
  • Excellent results in regeneration and stimulating hair growth.
  • Further advantages are in regulating sebum secretion, reduces scaling, seborrhea and premature hair loss.
  • The procedure is safe (no side effects) caused by application of CO2.


More useful information:


Expected results and benefits

Reduce hair loss, giving more volume and improve the quality of hair that becomes vital to their nature and restores shine.

    300 лв.


  •   0890 99 11 12
  •   056  99 11 12


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