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Skin thightening
With age and due to lifestyle and nutrition, external factors of the environment, the care for the skin, overexposure to sunlight, sudden changes in weight and more. Skin accepts less nutrients and loses elasticity. expressed in chronic lack of collagen and elastin. Over the years, the body reduces its ability to recover these building blocks of skin, combined with the loss of hyaluronic acid leads to sagging skin that becomes limp and lose its youthful appearance.
The most commonly affected areas are:
There are several techniques as the best result is achieved with a combination of them, because procedures are complementary, therefore synergy between them is particularly important. Following a thorough consultation, the doctor will explain what techniques are most appropriate to the age, the degree of sagging skin and other relevant factors. Undoubtedly, the success of the results is determined by selecting the proper combination therapy, but the patient's commitment to realize the factors and habits that favor the emergence of a problem.
Techniques to fight sagging of the skin can be divided into: 1. Non-invasive techniques
2. Minimal invasive techniques
o The combination of mesotherapy + radio frequency RF +
o The combination of mesotherapy + carboxytherapy sessions
o The combination of mesotherapy + PRP sessions with platelet rich plazma- stimulates fibroblasts which in turn produce more collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid
ИННОВА ЕСТЕТИК, гр.Бургас предлага на своите клиенти най-ефективната и бърза лазерна епилация на най-атрактивни цени и уникалната за града ни карбокситерапия. Ние залагаме на иновативни технологии и продукти, качествени услуги и индивидуален подход на обслужване, в съответствие със съвременните стандарти и технологии в естетичната медицина.