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The treatment of blood vessels removal involves targeting varicose veins (“spider veins”) on the legs or face to reduce or eliminate their visibility. Although surgical varicose vein removal is possible, most patients prefer minimally invasive (non-surgical) treatments that minimize the visibility of varicose veins over a series of one or more treatment sessions like IPL or laser.
During laser or IPL spider vein removal, a light beam targets problem veins in order to penetrate the offending blood vessels, seal them off, and cause their dissolution. This method may also require several treatments to achieve optimal results.
During IPL, the top layer of skin is generally cooled first with cool gel, chilled air, or other cooling methods. Cooling helps to reduce discomfort and lowers the risk of injuring the skin. ......
There are many reasons why a person would want to undergo spider vein removal. Even though reasons vary from person to person, the more common include:
For women and men affected by unsightly, embarrassing varicose veins, spider vein removal can be highly beneficial. It may result in a substantial self-confidence boost, and help the patient to feel more comfortable wearing certain clothing. In warm weather, this can ensure increased physical comfort.
Duration depends on the type and numbers of the vessels, for instance a single spider vein could be treated for about 2 minuutes.
The effective result is achieved over a series of one or more treatment sessions.
The risks of spider vein removal are primarily connected to the patient’s habits following treatment. For example, after IPL therapy it is strongly recommended that one keep away from the sun to avoid sunburn. This is good advice for any varicose vein removal patient. Bruising, redness, swelling, or blisters are possible risks when undergoing varicose vein removal treatment.
ИННОВА ЕСТЕТИК, гр.Бургас предлага на своите клиенти най-ефективната и бърза лазерна епилация на най-атрактивни цени и уникалната за града ни карбокситерапия. Ние залагаме на иновативни технологии и продукти, качествени услуги и индивидуален подход на обслужване, в съответствие със съвременните стандарти и технологии в естетичната медицина.