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This is a condition that affects fat cells, the intercellular space and small blood vessels. The accumulation of fat in fat cells and the deposit of liquids and toxins in this area lead to a change in the structure and appearance of the skin, appearance of fibrosis as a result of which the skin becomes uneven with pronounced grooves so called "Orange peel". Although cellulite is not a risk of potential health hazards its treatment devoting special attention because it affects almost all women (90%) and can cause serious psychological consequences in their self-assessment and quality of life. This problem occurs mainly in women because of the relationship with the female sex hormone estrogen.
There is no common opinion about what is the mechanism for the appearance of cellulite, but many authors agree that initially it happens due to abnormalities in the microcirculation in the respective zones. Subsequent processes and changes that occur result through different stages of cellulite while the last stage becomes chronic. The predominance of one or another change in the structures of the skin determines the appearance of cellulite following types: type of fat (predominance of fatty infiltration), swollen (prevalence of accumulation of fluids and toxins), and fibrous cellulitis (a predominance of connective tissue and inflammatory component) .
Although every woman is physiologically prone to cellulite, there are other factors that facilitate its emergence:
Survivors: people with a family history of cellulite are more prone.
Race: most common in Caucasians (particularly in Mediterranean areas), and at least in Asians.
Hormonal: new or worsening could have at key moments in the lives of women as puberty, pregnancy and menopause, typically by changing the activity of female sex hormones (estrogens). Men may occur in cases of hormonal therapies (chemical castration) or severe reduction of androgens.
Vascular and lymphatic systems in venous and lymphatic insufficiency accumulate liquids that are difficult to separate.
lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, stress and emotional disorders, insomnia, tight clothing, smoking and alcohol, poor eating habits.
Given the above factors, the appearance of cellulite, for each individual is an individual. This is a chronic condition that develops over time and if you do not take appropriate measures to treat and prevent its development cellulite goes into a chronic condition.
Cellulite and Carboxytherapy
Treatment of cellulite with Carboxytherapy is one of the most effective and is the first choice of leading medical experts in the field of aesthetic medicine. In INNOVA is a fundamental tool of choice for cellulite treatment alone or in combination with additional procedures. Treatment consists in placing a determined quantity of carbon dioxide subcutaneously under the control of a specific apparatus therefor, and a trained physician.
Our approach
You may obtain discrete hematoma as a result of the microinjection of carboxytherapy and mesotherapy as vascular condition of each patient, which spread to two or three days.
ИННОВА ЕСТЕТИК, гр.Бургас предлага на своите клиенти най-ефективната и бърза лазерна епилация на най-атрактивни цени и уникалната за града ни карбокситерапия. Ние залагаме на иновативни технологии и продукти, качествени услуги и индивидуален подход на обслужване, в съответствие със съвременните стандарти и технологии в естетичната медицина.