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Photorejuvenation uses broadband light produced by VPL and is a cosmetic skin rejuvenation treatment designed to produce younger and healthier looking skin. As we age, we will start to see visible signs of sun damage, time, and lifestyle choices appearing in our skin. This aged look may include freckles, wrinkles, broken capillaries, sun spots,pigmented brown spots, agedspots, melasma, blotchy skin color, enlarged pore size, uneven pigmentation and hyperpigmentation.The procedure has no downtime and with minimal discomfort. Besides the face, skin on the neck, hands, arms, chest and virtually any area where sun damage shows can also be treated to reverse the signs of aging. Visible effects of photo rejuvenation treatments can usually be seen after 2-3 treatments. A series of sessions is usually recommended to achieve the desired results. These non-surgical skin treatments can be useful for reducing a number of unpleasant skin conditions, including:
With the use of broadband light, an IPL targets small vessels, such as broken capillaries and spider veins, and/or various brown spots, resulting in a significant reduction in redness and/or a dramatic improvement in hyper-pigmentation.
The number of treatments varies depending on the degree of a patient’s condition and the skin’s response to treatment. Visible effects of photo rejuvenation treatments can usually be seen after 2-3 treatments, series of 6 sessions is usually recommended to achieve the desired results.
We have chosen to provide Photorejuvenation with "Sorissa" - leading Spanish VPL system.
Besides the face, skin on the neck, hands, arms, chest and virtually any area where sun damage shows can also be treated to reverse the signs of aging.
Treatments take about 10 to 30 minutes
This is a minimally invasive treatment with almost no downtime, it removes sun damage, eliminates redness, reduces wrinkles, dark pigments and apearance of large pores. With the use of broadband light, an IPL targets small vessels, such as broken capillaries and spider veins, and/or various brown spots resulting in a significant reduction in redness and a dramatic improvement in hyper-pigmentation.
Some redness may appear following treatment it usually lasts for under an hour. Minor swelling may appear following an IPL Photofacial but will resolve nicely. You’ll be provided with post treatment instructions to help limit any minor downtime. Risks or complications with photorejuvenation are minimal, especially when compared with other cosmetic procedures that are usually more invasive and have uncertain results. The safety of the procedure has been demonstrated in clinical trials, with have unearthed a lack of known risks. side effects are minimal, it is always best to discuss this procedure and your desired outcome with your doctor. No recovery time exists for photo rejuvenation procedures. Doctors may prescribe a treatment regimen following photo rejuvenation, but such requirements are always minimal and the intended result is healthier looking skin. Special creams are sometimes prescribed, but basic skin care will usually aid in achieving a positive result from the photo rejuvenation. After treatment, skin is usually noticeably different, with pore size and dark pigment reduction, wrinkle minimalization, and overall skin enhancement. Photofacial rejuvenation is generally a safe skin treatment. Most potential side effects are mild and temporary if they occur at all. Often, there is slight redness immediately following treatment, which lasts less than 24 hours for most patients. Mild blistering and bruising is possible in less than one percent of patients.
If you are prone to keloids, hyper or hypo pigmentation, are dark-skinned, darkly tanned, or do not react well to burns you may not be a good candidate. Additionally, those who are insulin-dependent diabetics cannot undergo this treatment. You are also not a candidate if you have a blood clot-forming disorder (i.e. excessive bleeding). Photofacials are not safe for pregnant women.
ИННОВА ЕСТЕТИК, гр.Бургас предлага на своите клиенти най-ефективната и бърза лазерна епилация на най-атрактивни цени и уникалната за града ни карбокситерапия. Ние залагаме на иновативни технологии и продукти, качествени услуги и индивидуален подход на обслужване, в съответствие със съвременните стандарти и технологии в естетичната медицина.