Excessive sweating treatment

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ABOUT Excessive sweating /Hyperhidrosis/

Hyperhidrosis is a condition which affects the sympathetic nervous system. Sweating is an essential factor when it comes to controlling body temperature, particularly in hot surroundings or during periods of exercise. Hyperhidrosis is when the sympathetic nervous system is running at an abnormally high level, causing excess sweating in specific parts of the body and often at inappropriate times. It isn’t a temporary condition, with some people suffering for years with constant sweating during all weather conditions. Sweating complicates business and social  interactions.The purpose of the treatment is not to eliminate sweating but to bring it down to a normal level. 

Botulinum toxin is effective at treating excessive sweating. Specifically the Botulinum Toxin is injected into the skin where it targets the nerve cells of the affected eccrine glands. The Botox works by blocking fneuronal signal transmissions, it do not cure hyperhidrosis, your symptoms will return gradually, that's why follow-up injections are needed. Because of this, repeat treatments are required every few months, usually between 6-12 months after the procedure. 


Treatment areas

 We offer the treatment in the following areas:

  • Underarms
  • Palms of hands


Hyperhidrosis Benefits

  • Quick and effective procedure
  • Non surgical
  • Requires no lifestyle change
  • Botox is safe and has been used for over a decade now


More useful to know:


Our products

We use Botox, Desport to treat hyperhidrosis

Treatment duration

Depending on the amount of product and the treated area the procedure takes 20-40 min.

Treatments number – How often?

Botox Treatment for Underarm Hyperhidrosis: The results of Botox for axillary hyperhidrosis tend to last longer the more treatments you have. The results of the initial treatment will probably last for around 6 months. Some patients have reported the effects lasting for only 4 months, whereas others have said they lasted for up to a year. If someone has been having the treatment for a number of years, the results may begin to last up to 18 months at a time.

Botox Treatment for Hyperhidrosis in the Hands: For the palms of the hands, the results of Botox treatment seem to wear off after a little less time. 3-5 months is the average period of time it takes for the results to subside. Though it is uncommon, some patients have reported that after Botox treatment, their palmar hyperhidrosis subsided for a whole year.

Expected results and benefits

Apart from the success rates other advantages of Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis include quickness, not being surgical, won't interrupt working or other aspects of your daily routine. Botox is safe and has been used for over a decade now. It has been reported that Botox has relieved sweating by up to 90% in some cases and is thought to be one of the most effective methods for treating Hyperhidrosis. However it is also important to note that the treatment works by blocking the nerve endings which cause glands to produce sweat, these nerve endings will eventually grow back meaning that the procedure is not permanent. Nerve ending re growth usually takes about 6 weeks after which repeat treatment is required. At most the treatment can last for up to 12 months.

Risks and Recovery

While Botox has been used for many years now and is generally seen as a very safe procedure, occasionally it can result in some potentially dangerous side effects. It’s always wise to be aware of the risks involved when undergoing Botox for hyperhidrosis. Possible side effects include: an increase in sweating in parts of the body other than the area treated with Botox, soreness at the injection site, pain during the treatment, emporary muscle paralysis, Flu-like symptoms such as a headache, fever, fatigue, sore throat, mild dry mouthetc. Severe allergic reactions (uncommon) are possible.

    300 лв.


  •   0890 99 11 12
  •   056  99 11 12

Защо да изберете нас

  • We use only the registered botulinum toxine on  the market
  • The treatment is administrated by a qualified aesthetic doctor
  • The treatment is in pleasent and comfortable environment


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ИННОВА ЕСТЕТИК, гр.Бургас  предлага на своите клиенти най-ефективната и бърза лазерна епилация на най-атрактивни цени и уникалната за града ни карбокситерапия. Ние залагаме на иновативни технологии и продукти, качествени услуги и индивидуален подход на обслужване, в съответствие със съвременните стандарти и технологии в естетичната медицина.

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