Dermal fillers

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Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid taken off in the field of aesthetic medicine as a primary minimally invasive appropriate tools to smooth wrinkles and facial rejuvenation. Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular and most widely used ingredients used in dermal fillers. This acid is a polysaccharide which is present in human connective tissue of the skin and is a main component comprising water and plays an important role in the formation of collagen and extracellular matrix stable. Hyaluronic acid in our body performs the function of water retention, moisture and bulking. In the course of time and the aging process leads to degradation of the hyaluronic acid and the body experiences difficulty to recover it. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally produced by the human body, mainly located in the skin. With a reduction of hyaluronic acid in the body main result is wrinkles and volume loss of facial contour. The application of hyaluronic acid is particularly suitable for the recovery of this ingredient in the skin depending on the needs of each patient and according to the doctor's recommendation.

Treatment with hyaluronic acid:

  • It must always be done by a specially trained doctor for the product used
  • The procedure is non-surgical and almost painless, the patient may feel just slight discomfort 
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the treatment area and the applied amount (up to 1 hour)
  • Putting fillers with hyaluronic acid is usually carried out twice or once a year and can be applied at any time of year


BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the treatment

In order to realise the highest level of efficacy, it’s important to review these pre and post treatment considerations. We’ll review these at the time of making your appointment and answer any questions you may have. By doing so, we’re able to provide the highest level of care while guaranteeing the best results.

BEFORE: Preparation for the Dermal Fillers procedure is very important. Though the procedure has a very low risk level, has near to no side-effects and heals in a matter of days. It is important that your body and most importantly your skin is ready before the treatment.  If you have any issues concerning skin disorders it is advisable to share with your aesthetic doctor. Bare in mind that appointment’s can delayed if your skin is not in a good condition.

DURING: The aestecian doctor will take you through and talk you through the treatment, it's effects and the procedure for a last time, to make sure you are comfortable and ready.  If needed, a local anesthetic will be administrated, most importantly covering the areas which are going to be treated by the procedure. The procedure itself can last anywhere from 20 up to 60 minutes. 

AFTER: After the Dermal Fillers procedure expect a mild pain around the bruises and the puncture marks from the injections, over a few days. The best healing conditions is to wash with a soft warm flannel to keep your skin moisturised and fresh while aiding the healing process. Once the procedure is over the positive direct effects you are likely to witness and feel is a more toned, less wrinkled face.  At the same time, be prepared for your skin to start swelling slightly, with quaint bruises and a redness coming on covering most of the face, in particular areas of the face that were treated. These effects will pass in the next few days leaving you with clearer, smoother skin.




Our products

Our products
We use only the best, clinically proven and licensed products like Restylane, Teosyal etc.

Treatment areas

Dermal Fillers are for lips, deep wrinkles, smile Lines, nasolabial Lines, dimples, sunken Cheeks, the tose, weak chins, scars

Treatment duration

20-60 min

Expected results and benefits

clearer, smoother skin

Risks and Recovery

When it comes to Dermal Fillers there are two main side effects. The first side effect is bruising. This occurs where the needle impacts and pierces the skin. The bruise will be soft and delicate but very temporary and if recovery goes as planned the bruises should last only a very few days.The bruising can be helped with warm compresses and by not adding more stress to the facial muscles. The second side effect is more significant but much less common - a slight allergic reaction. This could occur as a reaction to the filler substance used or the needle itself, but this is very rare and will only add a slight redness and swelling for a few days. The allergic reaction will also go away in a very days with no permanent damage to body. These side effects are mild and do not last long, though if you are worried about them, it is best to consult an aesthetic doctor.

    300 лв.


  •   0890 99 11 12
  •   056  99 11 12

Защо да изберете нас

  • Dermal filler is administrated by highly qualified doctor
  • We use only the best products on the international market
  • high quality service
  • individual customers approach


За нас

ИННОВА ЕСТЕТИК, гр.Бургас  предлага на своите клиенти най-ефективната и бърза лазерна епилация на най-атрактивни цени и уникалната за града ни карбокситерапия. Ние залагаме на иновативни технологии и продукти, качествени услуги и индивидуален подход на обслужване, в съответствие със съвременните стандарти и технологии в естетичната медицина.

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